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Clean House Clean Planet, by Karen Logan
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Go green with this rollicking guide to eco-friendly cleaning alternatives that will help you save your health, your money, and your planet.
How many times have you said you’re killing yourself trying to keep your house clean? You might have been joking, but you’re closer to the truth than you think if you’re using expensive commercial cleansers. Karen Logan, an environmentalist with years of experience developing and selling her own line of eco-friendly cleaning products, reveals the secret of using simple, ordinary ingredients—like baking soda, vinegar, soap, lemon juice, and salt—to make safe, inexpensive cleaners.
For instance, did you know:
-Olive oil is not only good as a salad dressing, but also as a furniture polish.
-Plain club soda works great as a window cleaner.
-You can make your copper-bottomed pots sparkle with just lemon juice and salt.
-Ordinary liquid soap and water will clean up those ants marching through your kitchen.
- Sales Rank: #183006 in Books
- Published on: 1997-04-01
- Released on: 1997-04-01
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.25" h x .90" w x 5.31" l, .62 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 320 pages
From the Back Cover
How many times have you said you're killing yourself trying to keep your house clean? You might have been joking, but you're closer to the truth than you think if you're using expensive commercial cleansers. Karen Logan, an environmentalist with years of experience developing and selling her own line of eco-friendly cleaning products, reveals the secret of using simple, ordinary ingredients life baking soda, vinegar, soap, lemon juice, and salt to make safe, inexpensive cleaners.
About the Author
Karen Logan is an environmentalist. She is the author of Clean House, Clean Planet.
Most helpful customer reviews
233 of 234 people found the following review helpful.
An honest, positive take on green cleaning
By R. A. Ward
Karen Noonan Logan has put together an extremely useful, honest recipe book for green cleaning products.
It is honest in that she rates the effectiveness of each formula provided, and not all of them are 95s or 100s (comparable to commercial cleaners). In fact, there are several in the book that aren't that effective, but at least they don't poison you.
However, the majority of her recipes *are* effective and very easy to make. Logan writes matter-of-factly, but with a positive style. It's not like reading a textbook or cookbook at all; you are entertained as you read.
There is a broad enough range of recipes that you can clean nearly anything, but not so many that you can't figure out which recipe to make for which cleaning job.
In contrast, I found that Annie Berthold-Bond's book "Clean and Green" was too cluttered by a confusing array of recipes, some of which are so specialized many people will probably never use them. Also, her writing style is far too dry to really be enjoyable.
If you really, really need a weird stain out of your clothes and don't want to reach for the bleach or stain stick, you may want to pick up "Clean and Green." But for just cleaning floors, tile, windows, etc. it is *much* easier to use the simple, multi-purpose recipes in "Clean House, Clean Planet."
236 of 244 people found the following review helpful.
Very useful, but redundant
By Penny Thoughtful
While I recommend buying this book and trying out all the recipes, I don't recommend going wild all at once like I did.
The basic message of the book is this: Clean your windows and mirrors with plain club soda. Clean everything else with one or more of the following: baking soda, vinegar, Dr. Bronner's soap, or distilled water. The trick is to scent your baking soda or vinegar with a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
The cool thing about the book is that it gives detailed recipes for exactly what proportions of these main ingredients (plus a few others) work best to clean each different thing in your house, and it goes into some detail about what spray and squirt bottles work best, too. It's very practical and useful and I learned some new things from reading it (did you know that in the United States, you can't legally say that tea tree oil is a disinfectant?).
Unfortunately, she does repeat herself a lot, and she encourages you to buy more than you really need. WAY more. You won't save any money at all if you buy all the things she suggests you buy! I would say start out with one gallon of vinegar, one or two boxes of baking soda, one or two essential oils, some distilled water if you don't already have it, and maybe some Dr. Bronner's if you can afford it (you can use regular hand dishwashing liquid for most of these recipes). Spray bottles are nice, too, but I had a hard time finding the right size.
Back to the merits and un-merits of the book: The Table of Contents and the Index are well organized, but the book itself isn't quite so much. It would help so much if the topic headings on each page pointed to what was actually on that page instead of giving a general chapter name. If you're trying to look up a particular recipe, it can take a long time to find.
In conclusion, this is a good book that I definitely recommend buying. I love being able to clean nontoxically and this book is a huge help. I just wish I had bought a lot less stuff at the outset.
111 of 112 people found the following review helpful.
A wonderful find
By Kristen
I stumbled upon this book when I was searching for recipes for homemade cleansers that were also inexpensive. Truthfully, the whole toxicity issue didn't even cross my mind until I took a closer look at the book and reviews. I don't have children, but I do have a very curious dog who tracks in all sorts of dirt and loves to smell and (usually) lick everything he explores. It's very comforting to know that the cleaners I am now using are non-toxic. I also often wondered, "if *I* think this stuff smells strong and nasty, imagine what my dog and his superior sense of smell thinks of it!"
The book was fun and interesting to read. It's amazing that commercial cleansers don't have to list all of their ingredients. I also appreciated the author's honesty--pointing out things that are suspected and not proven, and even rating how well her cleaners work when compared to those you buy at the store. I agree with other reviewers that the recipes could have been laid out differently and can be hard to go back and find.
The recipes are very easy to put together and use ingredients that are easy to find. They also work!! Who knew that vinegar and water in a spray bottle would make cleaning the bathroom floors a million times easier and more pleasant. Or that baking soda would make my sinks sparkle. I've truly enjoyed reading the book and using the author's recipes.
Update (1/28/07): It's been nearly two years since I wrote my original review and I wanted to add that I'm still using the recipies, and love them more than ever!
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